Burnet Road
The corridor along Burnet Road is on the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Tonkawa, the Apache, the Ysleta del sur Pueblo, the Lipan Apache Tribe, the Texas Band of Yaqui Indians, the Coahuitlecan and all other tribes not explicitly stated. Additionally, we would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the many other tribes, Indigenous Peoples, and communities who have been or have become a part of these lands and territories now known as Texas.
Life on the Corridor
Listen to Bill Thompson for the proper pronunciation of “Burnet”.
Listen to Nancy Barnard share about the Violet Crown Festival and introduce the tradition of Domino the pig, the neighborhood mascot, and watch the short film, First Night W/ Domino & Friends.
Domino at a recent Violet Crown Festival and 2006 film made by Susan and Rob Burneson. Sources: Jennifer M. Ramos and Susan Burneson/Voices of the Violet Crown
“Brentwood and Crestview had few trees when the two neighborhoods were
established. For more than 70 years, neighbors—individually and in
groups—have helped plant and maintain trees in the park and throughout the neighborhood.Emily Wilson, who helped found Friends of Brentwood Park, an active park adoption group, said it best: ‘Somebody before us planted these trees, and it’s up to us to do the same, so there will be trees here for the next generation.’”
Susan Burneson
The film We Planted 115 Trees was produced by Susan and Rob Burneson in 2010. Source: Susan Burneson/Voices of the Violet Crown